Exploring the Rebound of Business Travel and Opportunities in Airport Advertising

date_rangeOctober 30, 2023

Let's dive into the pulse of the global business travel industry, which is not just bouncing back to its pre-pandemic glory but also evolving with new focuses and strategies. Imagine peering through a window into the future, that's what the recent Business Travel Outlook Poll by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) offers. It's gathered insights from over 860 professionals worldwide, focusing on hot topics like cost management, sustainability, retailing models, and the integration of cutting-edge technology.

Think of the hurdles, yet acknowledge the significant strides the industry has made in regaining its footing, as highlighted by Suzanne Neufang, the CEO of GBTA. Here's where it gets interesting for you: the resurgence in business travel isn't just a comeback story; it's your golden ticket to explore the world of airport advertising. This is your chance to connect with global professionals who are constantly on the move.

The momentum in business travel this year has been undeniable. Imagine, 84% of those polled said their company’s travel activities are almost back to what they were in 2019. This resurgence isn’t just numbers; it’s an open invitation for you to make your mark in airport advertising, grabbing the attention of this growing pool of business travelers.

2023 had its share of challenges — adapting to price hikes, inflation worries, and geopolitical tensions. Yet, these challenges set the stage for more impactful airport advertising campaigns. The increase in travel activity creates the perfect backdrop for you to shine.

But here’s the twist: Business travel now is about more than just moving from point A to B. It's adapting and evolving. There's a rise in various meeting formats — in-person, virtual, blended, multi-purpose, or multi-destination trips. This variety is a goldmine for you looking to tap into airport advertising. It’s your chance to reach a diverse group of business professionals, whether they’re jet-setting or connecting from afar.

With 68% of stakeholders now in hybrid work environments, airport advertising becomes even more strategic for you. You have the opportunity to engage with business travelers who are juggling remote work and in-person meetings.

Looking at 2024, the industry is poised for more changes. Imagine a good number of travel buyers gearing up for increased or stable travel budgets. Priorities are shifting towards cost management, safety, and sustainability. This evolving landscape is ripe for your innovative airport advertising strategies that resonate with these new priorities and provide value to business travelers.

The commitment to invest more in technology, sustainability, and partnerships also places airport advertising in the spotlight for you. You can create engaging, tech-driven advertisements that resonate with a digitally savvy audience, aligning with the industry’s digital transformation.

And let's not forget the role of emerging technologies and AI in shaping the future of business travel. Nearly half of the respondents believe that new technologies will be a significant focus moving forward. This is your cue to innovate your airport advertising approach, leveraging cutting-edge technology to create more impactful and engaging campaigns.

In this dynamic and evolving environment, EAM stands as your indispensable partner, poised to help you plan, buy, and execute airport advertising campaigns with precision and creativity. With our deep understanding of the airport advertising landscape and our finger on the pulse of emerging trends, we're equipped to help you navigate this space. From identifying the most strategic locations to leveraging the latest technologies, EAM is dedicated to ensuring your brand not only connects but resonates with the global business traveler. We’re here to transform these insights and trends into compelling advertising narratives that capture attention and create lasting impressions.

In summary, the October 2023 GBTA Business Travel Outlook Poll provides a comprehensive snapshot of where the business travel industry stands and where it's headed. With business travel on the upswing and evolving in key areas, there’s a compelling opportunity for you to reevaluate and revitalize your airport advertising strategies. By tapping into the trends of increased business travel, technological advancements, and the shift towards more sustainable and cost-effective travel practices, you can create powerful airport advertising campaigns that truly resonate with the modern business traveler.

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Airport Advertising Solutions


At EAM, We Plan and Deliver Precise, Globally Impactful Airport Advertising Campaigns for Exceptional Results, Wherever Your Audience Travels.